With the email forwarding activated for any specific e-mail address, all incoming email messages will be sent to a third-party address that you have picked even though the latter won't be in the list of recipients and also, the sender won't be aware exactly where their message will go. Feel free to use such a feature if you have a number of email addresses since it will likely be more convenient to get all incoming e-mails in one mailbox as an alternative to logging in and out of various ones constantly or configuring a number of mail boxes within an email application. If you have a company or an organization, the email forwarding is also a way to check all emails obtained by numerous divisions for improved coordination. You could also use this feature the other way around - an email sent to a general mailbox can be forwarded to multiple people.

E-mail Forwarding in Shared Website Hosting

It is really very easy to configure forwarding for every e-mail address created inside a shared website hosting account with us. This can be accomplished either when you make a brand new mailbox through your Hepsia Hosting Control Panel, or any time later since the forwarding may be enabled and deactivated for any current mailbox with only a few clicks. It's also possible to decide if a backup copy of the inbound emails will be kept on our servers, a very helpful option. This will be a fail-safe in case that the remote mailbox is not available for whatever reason, not mentioning that you will always have a backup of all of the emails. When this feature is not enabled for a given e-mail address on our end, an incoming email will be received and sent forward, so absolutely no record of it will stay on the server. When the remote email address is inaccessible for the moment, you will simply lose this message.

E-mail Forwarding in Semi-dedicated Servers

With a semi-dedicated server plan through us, it will take just a couple of mouse clicks to forward one of your email addresses located in the account to a third-party mailbox. You will be able to do that from the feature-rich Email Manager part of the Hepsia Hosting Control Panel and throughout this process you could also decide if a copy of your email messages must be maintained on our servers or not. The aforementioned feature is optional, however rather useful since you will have a copy of your incoming e-mails, so regardless of whether something happens with the other mailbox, you simply won't lose any information. You are able to activate or disable the forwarding for just about any email address whenever you want and forward the e-mails to a number of email addresses if you'd like. You will also be capable to see a list of all mailboxes that are forwarded and also exactly where the e-mails are being sent to.